Friday, December 10, 2010

Response to US Military Spending: Kicking Ass vs. Balancing the Budget

I don't agree with down sizing our Nation’s military. I am a strong believer in always being ready for anything ( i.e, North Korea). I think the main reason a lot of countries do not try to pick fights with the U.S. is due to our Military presence.
One thing I feel should never be compared is health care and the military, because our military doesn't effect our health care. As of now a majority of our Nation’s health care is control by the private sector, and the military is controlled by our government.
Downsizing our military will not help schools (States issues), mass transit ( States, and National issues). The only thing that downsizing the military may help is National deficit. It may reduce it, but the government will find a reason to spend the money. To be honest, I would just get rid of the Department of Education, and other wasteful spending departments before we touch our military budget.

I understand that both military and VA expenses are a little more than half the US budget but don't you love that fact that you can get up every morning and do what you want and say what you want. Those are the little things that I think people forget about everyday when they wake up. I will pay whatever I need to pay to keep that—because I enjoy my freedom.

US Military Spending: Kicking Ass vs. Balancing the Budget

Monday, November 29, 2010

Liz Cheney Blames George Bush for North Korea Situation

When I was reading this article, I still don’t understand why people are still blaming President Bush for everything bad that happens. Since there has been the seize fire in place , What president has put North Korea in its place? No one they are allow to do what they want to do because of China. Everyone knows if North Korea gets in a situation that it can’t handle. China will help him out as in turn we will help out South Korea. When she quoted “I do think what we have seen [in North Korea] is an example of how provocative American weakness can be. And I think that unfortunately it is policy of weakness that has expanded back into the Bush administration -- into the last years of the Bush administration. . . . We have seen time and time again North Korea -- if they test a nuclear weapon, there are no consequences. . . . And what they have learned is that their belligerence, in fact, oftentimes yields from us capitulation and concessions.” :

The first thing that cae to my mine was how can she make this statement. We are not the world Police, That is why we created the UN for situation like this. We cant go in and be bullies with everyone. Especially when there big brother in China, knowing we own the a ton of money they do have some power over us. That is why Korea canceled the war games in the Yellow sea. China was against the war games due to North Korea not believing in the UN Borders in the Yellow Sea, So to North Korea the would be firing on there territory and that would cause more than just a situation, They would cause a war.

In saying, I feel Mrs. Cheney is riding the blame Bush wagon like everyone else. I think we need to change people thoughts on thinking before blaming Bush for North Korea’s problem. She knows we are not the world police.

The link to the article is here
Liz Cheney Blames George Bush for North Korea Situation
6 hours ago

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Does The Federal Government Have The Authority To Confiscate Physical Gold?

As I was reading this I was stuck, I know which way to think. My first reaction to this was the government is wrong for trying to confiscate people gold and not pay for it.
Then for the people to try to get there gold back, they have to pay an arm and a leg in legal fees.
Then after the next day, I thought about it. Maybe the US should have a right to take your Gold but should give you something for it in return. I think the Bigger picture is making sure the U.S is still a national Power. I know we owe a ton of money to China and Tokyo but if they come asking for money i am a strong believer of give them the gold and we can rebuild. I dont want to be controlled by China.
So which one is right, Should we stand by our nation or should allow our country to fail. I know we dont have the power right now to make our federal government to what we believe is right so we have to beleive we voted them in to make the best decision for us as a whole.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Spitzer: Why is Prostitution Illegal Anyway?

When I saw this blog, I asked my self why is prostitution illegal? I know the word PROSTITUTE is like saying one of those bad words that seems to be getting bleeped out less in TV. Its not like it a crime, everyone has sex so if someone pays for it tax it. If the states set up safe houses for it, them it just might work for people who like that lifestyle. I am not going to do it but it doesn't bother nor does it effect me in anyway so why not legalize it.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

After reading this New York Time Article, I really didn’t agree with the article. His focus was on the Budget Deficit, Taxes and Tax Cuts, Spending and Health Care Reform.

The First thing that jumped out at me was Tax cuts. There is nothing in law that says if you make 200,000 singles /250,000 for couples dollars you will not see you tax increases. As much as I read about the laws, I never seen anything put in law about this tax break. The only thing that is certain is that the current the people on congress want the tax cut to expire.

Then he talked about how the republicans want to cut spending. That doing that will cut Vidal programs. Well what will happen when the money that was given to them from the stimulus runs out. Where will they get the money from to keep the programs running? Example, There is a program here is Austin that was stop due to not having money. Now with the stimulus money they brought back the road side service for two years. That’s only two years of work, what will happen after that? Does the state of Texas need to keep the program running or allow it to stop? The stimulus money is like giving a guy fish besides teaching him how to fish so he can catch the fish him self.

As I read a lot of articles about the economy a lot of people are not telling the whole picture about thing. They are all about right now besides 10 years from now when all of this will hit the fan.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

House Democrats Join Republicans in Opposing Obama Tax Plan

WASHINGTON -- More Democrats joined Republicans on Wednesday in calling for the preservation of tax breaks for Americans of every income level, bolting this election season from President Barack Obama's plan to preserve cuts for families who earn less than $250,000 and let taxes rise for the wealthiest Americans.

But Obama placed the blame for the stalled proposal squarely on Republicans.

"They want to hold these middle class tax cuts hostage until they get an additional tax cut for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans," the president said in afternoon remarks.

"Doesn't it make sense for us to move forward with the tax cuts that we all agree on?" Obama added. "We should be able to extend, right now, middle-class tax relief on the first $250,000 of income."

Nervous Democrats are among those with concerns about the president's plan.

"We should not be raising taxes in the middle of a recession," Rep. Jim Marshall, D-Ga., who's facing tough odds in his bid for a fourth term, wrote in a terse letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

"It is essential that we keep things as they are in the short term," said Rep. Travis W. Childers, D-Miss., another conservative incumbent in a tight race, whose district, like Marshall's, voted for Republican John McCain in the 2008 presidential race.

For this pair, one press release announcing their opposition to Obama's plan was not enough. They were two of 31 jittery Democrats who signed a letter urging Pelosi, D-Calif., and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., to abandon the Obama plan and extend to everyone the Bush-era tax cuts due to expire at the end of the year, according to one of its authors, Rep. Jim Matheson, D-Utah.

House and Senate leaders aren't saying which plan they'll propose, or whether they'll even bother with the debate in the charged political atmosphere leading up to the Nov. 2 midterm elections. All 435 House seats, 37 in the Senate and the Democratic majorities in both houses are on the line.

The divisions extended well into Democratic ranks on Capitol Hill. Moderates and conservatives in tight races were skittish about the prospect of being branded tax hikers at the height of election season if a bill to let taxes rise for the wealthy is brought up for debate. Other Democrats said they relish the idea of holding a vote to extend only the middle class tax cuts and daring Republicans to vote against it.

"I want to smoke some people out," said Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-N.J., a supporter of the Obama plan who nonetheless said he was open to compromise.

Common ground was less the issue than whether punting the matter until the end of the year might be politically helpful.

Democratic leaders would not commit to a full debate or a vote in the handful of weeks before Congress leaves town for the campaign trail. Asked directly Wednesday whether Congress should take up the tax cut issue before or after Election Day, Pelosi did not answer.

Her lieutenant, Hoyer, sounded open to discussing compromises but did not say when those talks might happen.

Republicans, meanwhile, stayed together on their tax-cuts-for-all message and pressed for action before leaving town in October to go home to campaign. House Republican leader John Boehner, who over the weekend had suggested he would vote for Obama's plan if that were the only option offered him, stuck to the party's message Wednesday.

"If we're serious about helping our economy this month we need to stop the tax hikes, and we need to cut spending," Boehner said.

The expiring tax cuts are the most sweeping in a generation, affecting taxpayers at every income level. Obama wants to make the tax cuts permanent for individuals making less than $200,000 and married couples making less than $250,000.

Republicans support a full renewal of all tax cuts, regardless of income, despite a 10-year cost to the government of about $700 billion above Obama's plan.

Link to Article