Monday, November 29, 2010

Liz Cheney Blames George Bush for North Korea Situation

When I was reading this article, I still don’t understand why people are still blaming President Bush for everything bad that happens. Since there has been the seize fire in place , What president has put North Korea in its place? No one they are allow to do what they want to do because of China. Everyone knows if North Korea gets in a situation that it can’t handle. China will help him out as in turn we will help out South Korea. When she quoted “I do think what we have seen [in North Korea] is an example of how provocative American weakness can be. And I think that unfortunately it is policy of weakness that has expanded back into the Bush administration -- into the last years of the Bush administration. . . . We have seen time and time again North Korea -- if they test a nuclear weapon, there are no consequences. . . . And what they have learned is that their belligerence, in fact, oftentimes yields from us capitulation and concessions.” :

The first thing that cae to my mine was how can she make this statement. We are not the world Police, That is why we created the UN for situation like this. We cant go in and be bullies with everyone. Especially when there big brother in China, knowing we own the a ton of money they do have some power over us. That is why Korea canceled the war games in the Yellow sea. China was against the war games due to North Korea not believing in the UN Borders in the Yellow Sea, So to North Korea the would be firing on there territory and that would cause more than just a situation, They would cause a war.

In saying, I feel Mrs. Cheney is riding the blame Bush wagon like everyone else. I think we need to change people thoughts on thinking before blaming Bush for North Korea’s problem. She knows we are not the world police.

The link to the article is here
Liz Cheney Blames George Bush for North Korea Situation
6 hours ago

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