Sunday, September 26, 2010

After reading this New York Time Article, I really didn’t agree with the article. His focus was on the Budget Deficit, Taxes and Tax Cuts, Spending and Health Care Reform.

The First thing that jumped out at me was Tax cuts. There is nothing in law that says if you make 200,000 singles /250,000 for couples dollars you will not see you tax increases. As much as I read about the laws, I never seen anything put in law about this tax break. The only thing that is certain is that the current the people on congress want the tax cut to expire.

Then he talked about how the republicans want to cut spending. That doing that will cut Vidal programs. Well what will happen when the money that was given to them from the stimulus runs out. Where will they get the money from to keep the programs running? Example, There is a program here is Austin that was stop due to not having money. Now with the stimulus money they brought back the road side service for two years. That’s only two years of work, what will happen after that? Does the state of Texas need to keep the program running or allow it to stop? The stimulus money is like giving a guy fish besides teaching him how to fish so he can catch the fish him self.

As I read a lot of articles about the economy a lot of people are not telling the whole picture about thing. They are all about right now besides 10 years from now when all of this will hit the fan.

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