Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Does The Federal Government Have The Authority To Confiscate Physical Gold?

As I was reading this I was stuck, I know which way to think. My first reaction to this was the government is wrong for trying to confiscate people gold and not pay for it.
Then for the people to try to get there gold back, they have to pay an arm and a leg in legal fees.
Then after the next day, I thought about it. Maybe the US should have a right to take your Gold but should give you something for it in return. I think the Bigger picture is making sure the U.S is still a national Power. I know we owe a ton of money to China and Tokyo but if they come asking for money i am a strong believer of give them the gold and we can rebuild. I dont want to be controlled by China.
So which one is right, Should we stand by our nation or should allow our country to fail. I know we dont have the power right now to make our federal government to what we believe is right so we have to beleive we voted them in to make the best decision for us as a whole.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Spitzer: Why is Prostitution Illegal Anyway?

When I saw this blog, I asked my self why is prostitution illegal? I know the word PROSTITUTE is like saying one of those bad words that seems to be getting bleeped out less in TV. Its not like it a crime, everyone has sex so if someone pays for it tax it. If the states set up safe houses for it, them it just might work for people who like that lifestyle. I am not going to do it but it doesn't bother nor does it effect me in anyway so why not legalize it.